Where’s Waldo in Antwerp? SF MoMA?

Years after this project was created I continue to hear reports of Waldos being built around the world based off the DIY plans on this site. Recently I received an email from a school teacher in Antwerp who’s students painted Waldo on their school playground. They used the school’s machines designed to spray lines for sports courts to lay down the outlines to fill him in. Clever! I would have been in serious trouble had I done that on my school playground. This image is taken from Google Earth of SISA School in Antwerp. The students are working on giving him a new paint job since his first incarnation.

Waldo has also been spotted from the rooftop of SF MoMA standing tall. If you have any more images, send them my way! melaniecoles@gmail.com

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Where’s Waldo In San Francisco?

California crew build their version of Waldo.
A California crew build their version of Waldo.

Brian Gerke and friends  in San Francisco have constructed their version of Waldo based off the plans on my Do it Yourself page! Brian is very smart because he is taking Waldo to Burning Man where Google Earth does fly-bys every year during the festival! Its fun to see other gigantic Waldos going up! Email me (mcoles@ecaid.ca) if you have photos of your gigantic Waldos for me to post!

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Filed under Google Earth Art, Google Sightseeing, Photo Documentation, Where's Waldo

Look what Martin Handford Sent Me!

Martin Handford is the illustrator and creator of Waldo, he painted a picture of my Waldo in one of his Where’s Wally books! How nice!


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New Documentary On My Project

Filmmaker Kristin MacCary has made a great documentary clip about my project which can be seen on VancouverIAM. She shot it on the morning after an April snowfall so there are some shots of Waldo in the snow!

I have been receiving lots of hits from street art blogs Wooster Collective and Bombing Science. It is interesting to see all the comparisons people are making between my work and street art. A few people have commented that apparently I was on French TV too! Thank you for all your comments as so much of this press I wouldn’t even know about if it weren’t for your comments.

I did an interview for the next issue of Montreals Naked Eye Magazine about emerging art mediums, specifically Google Earth. Speaking of emerging art mediums, I somehow got mentioned on D-Listed?

In response to my last post, the official Where’s Waldo company emailed me to tell me they were excited about the projects success! I was thrilled and flattered that they had even heard about it! Maybe they had heard about it as Gizmodo’s post about my project is now showing up on the first page of Google when you search “Where’s Waldo”. Thanks Gizmodo!

PS: Somebody should add this project to Waldo’s Wikipedia entry!

PPS: I am now graduated from Emily Carr University!


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I got an A!

I just found out I got an A on my Waldo Project! I am glad I took a chance and did a left field project like this.

I have been busy preparing for my exhibition of this project for my Graduation Exhibit opening on May 3rd.

I just found out I was in the LA times! I am going to be on Japanese TV too! I cant wait to post that clip!



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Fun Stuff!

My classmate Nancy Strider has made a you tube video based off the footage she collected while volunteering in pretty much every step of my project. She has shown some video clips documenting Waldo’s construction and success. Thank you Nancy for this video and all your help!

Ian Chillag of NPR’s The Bryant Park Project constucted an audio slideshow based off an interview I did with him last week.

I also thought you might be interested in Aram Bartholl‘s project Map


Filed under Emily Carr Institute, Google Sightseeing, Where's Waldo

The World Joins in the Game!

The blog posts about Waldo keep flooding in! There is far more than I can list here but highlights from the past few days include Wired (US), GQ, Google Earth Blog, The Mail on Sunday (UK), IOL Diaro (Portugal), Gizmodo, Mineki (Japan/Canada) and even my school, Emily Carr Institute has blogged about it.

I went into the studio today to talk about Waldo on Q, which is a national radio program on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). It was fun! You can listen to me via podcast here.

Also, Javier from Chile heard about my project and changed the perspective of my aerial image to fit with Google Earth’s imagery and created a KML patch to overlay it on Google Earth! Thank you so much Javier!

Also, my sister created a Flickr set about Waldo with some images that I haven’t posted here yet.


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More Waldos?

I have had two people emaling today saying they and their friends want to create their own versions of rooftop Waldos! One in Phoenix AZ, and one in New Orleans! This is great, and I hope they begin popping up in many cities! My intention is to create a PDF of instructions and provide the grid, so Waldo making will become open source. It will be fun to track their progress on here as well. 

So much media today, and my most hits ever, over 13,000! Thanks! Here is me on CTV.


PS: Would any of you be willing to mail me a copy of the newspaper articles about my Waldo in your city? I think it will impress my teachers if at my graduation review I show newspaper articles from around the world!


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Waldo Hits the Dailies!

 Waldo and I were on the cover of two daily newspapers here in Vancouver, The Vancouver Sun and 24 Hours. On my way home from class I saw three people in a row reading newspapers with my Waldo on the cover! The story was also mentioned on Jack FM, News 1130, The Beat 94.5, Global TV and Breakfast Television today! And a feature aired on CTV at 6:45. Did anyone see that? I missed it! Is it up online anywhere? I want to see the footage of Chopper 9 finding Waldo! That would be the ultimate Waldo hunt, up in a helicopter flying around the city looking for Waldo below!

Highlights from the blog world today are articles on Waldo from The Telegraph (UK), Clicked-MSNBC (US),Pop TherapyGoogle DiscoveryADN.ES Technologia (Spain?), Ecran (France) there it is called ‘Ou est Charlie?’  If you saw my story anywhere else I would love to know!

Many of you have been finding Waldo! Congratulations! I have not been posting the comments with the answer, as to not spoil it for the others.  Now its time for other people to hide Waldos in their cities!

Someone here in Vancouver has requested a Woof on their roof. I have plenty of left over vinyl so if anybody wants to paint a giant roof Woof, email me mcoles@eciad.ca and I will donate my vinyl to you and your roof Woof.


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Digg It!

Yo Baron, can you digg it? (Photo by Nancy Strider)


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